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無料アプリ SAKE 酒

Usage image

  • for iPhone
  • for Android

Free application WHAT?SAKE

This Japanese Sake is delicious!
Yet what this Sake is actually named?
When you search for a Sake’s label right in front of you through a camera, it will indicate a page for a Sake brewery website and a product list such as which prefecture this Sake is brewed in? or What other Sakes are available? ....


This is an application for getting you more interested in Japanese Sake and also letting you drink it with more delicious taste and fun atmosphere as searching for various Japanese Sake labels at Japanese style bar or liquor store! Because this is a free application, anyone who even never drinks Japanese Sake before also can enjoy using it so this application surely helps such person or non-Sake drinker to experience the first cup of Sake by providing an information of how delicious Japanese Sake would be!

[Application functions]

  • - Indicate a search history of Japanese Sake in the past
  • - Indicate Sake brewery websites
  • - Indicate a background/origin of Japanese Sake brand
  • - Indicate the product list for specifically-searched Sake brewery
  • - Feature for Japanese Sake brewing

The number of the registered Sakes is over 2,000!


For improving the awareness of Japanese Sake and overcoming the current stagnation of Japanese Sake’s consumption, beyond the boundary of Sake brewing company, liquor store, and bar/pub, we have been considering how we could boost such consumption by letting people know and drink Japanese Sake as many as possible. Then when unconsciously looked back a daily business operation, we noticed that many people were taking a picture of Japanese Sake’s labels at our store and then we also thought such scene or situation would not be applied only to our store. So we considered that we should not only letting people take a picture of the labels, but also informing an aspiration of Japanese Sake’s brewers to consumers even a little such as where Sake is brewed or what other Sakes available. This is the reason why we wanted to create this application. We believe that taking a picture by camera actually leads a person to drink a cup of Sake regardless of whether a person is a Japanese Sake drinker or not. As a result, we have successfully released the application for Android/iPhone in October 2013 as communicating “SAKE” not only for domestic sales promotion but also for overseas while aiming for boosting activities of the Japanese Sake industry as a whole.

■Application development in future

  • ・An additional browsing function with recording a search history for photographs (Enable to read and search from a picture album such as camera roll)
  • ・A mapping link function for a store where a person can purchase Sake by brand or a person can drink Sake
  • ・Hopefully a buyer will use this application. Because many foreigners feel that printed words on a label are beautiful, we are certain they can enjoy Japanese Sake’s labels even more.
  • ・Since the application can be used overseas, we hope the application would assist to establish Japanese Sake on the foreign market as “World-class Japanese Sake”.
  • ・If the application becomes a successful model case at this time, we can be planning to create the same application for domestic wines, Shochu (distilled spirit), and Awamori (distilled spirit particularly brewed in Okinawa region).